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These minutes are subject to the approval of the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee

The Fairfield Hills Master Plan Review Committee
Minutes of June 20, 2011 Special Meeting
Senior Center, Newtown, Connecticut

Present:  Paul Lundquist, Robert Maurer, Michael Mossbarger, Ben Roberts, Nancy Roznicki, Alan Shepard, and Deborra Zukowski; Absent:  Michael Floros and Gary Steele; Also Present:  Ruby Johnson, Rosa Zubizarreta, and members of the media.

Mr. Maurer called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.  

Approval of Minutes:  Ms. Roznicki motioned to approve the minutes of June 15, 2010, and seconded by Mr. Shepard. The minutes were approved as amended.  

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson discussed why playing fields were slated to go into Fairfield Hills and explained how proposals for neighborhood playing fields were not received favorably by residents.  She then discussed population projections and possibilities of uses for the middle school if it were to be closed.  Ms. Johnson discussed sharing school facilities for a recreation center instead of building one at Fairfield Hills.  

Final Report Deliberations

In regards to comments about potential school closings, Mr. Maurer said the Superintendant of schools had said during a meeting that even with a population decline, there is no intention of closing a school.  Ms. Zukowski discussed Bill Hart’s study and Dr. Chung’s numbers and how his study showed that it would take years to consider any closing of schools.   

The committee members worked through framing and finalizing the vision statement.  They then reviewed and discussed several draft sections of the report, including Town and Community Services (police and emergency services), Community Culture and Arts, Open Space, Agriculture (Farming), Commercial and economic (with a lengthy discussion on scale, selling land vs. leasing), a small retail destination and professional offices.  The committee discussed several pros and cons of some visions, including a potential upscale retail and restaurant destination (ten acres in size); Small retail shops with restaurants, ice cream and coffee shops, etc., that would be ancillary businesses to service recreational activities; Creating a new Main Street or Town Center destination environment with combined restaurants, retail, small professional offices, etc.;  the need to allow the campus to be a destination for those who enjoy the outdoors, sporting events, performing arts, shopping, and it be a town-wide destination for all residents.  The committee discussed the importance also of a revenue stream, whether leasing or the purchase of parcels.  Rosa said there were a great deal of consensus with regard to retail in that people are looking for a restaurant or two, ice cream shops, hotdog stand, coffee shop, to help support the outdoor activities on the campus.  

Mr. Maurer motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 pm.  

Respectfully submitted by:  Tammy Hazen, Clerk.